Payment and Fees

Easy payment process and fees applicable to our sales

Payment of the vehicles

You will receive a purchase confirmation per email, including the vehicle invoice within the next hour after winning the bid.
Total payment (including applicable fees) needs to be received within the following 2 working days after the sale. Please note that we only accept payment via Bank transfer.

Once the payment has been received, your vehicle together with its original registration documents can be collected! (please note that in some cases the vehicle documentation might take up to 15 days to be ready)..

More information

Buyer Fees

Please find below the fees for the vehicles bought on

All buyer fees are without VAT and applicable for each vehicle bought.

Sales channel

Buyer Fee

Additionnal fees

Today's Mix
Premium Auction
Renault Auction
LCV & Company cars
Damaged cars

3.9% (470€ minimum)

Export: 125€ Picking-up: 15€

Starting Price 50€ Non running vehicles

3.9% (360€ minimum)

BEV Auctions Tuesday & Friday

450€ without VAT

Tesla 450€without VAT

Vehicles for parts

3.9% (250€ minimum)

Véhiposte 3 wheels

No fees

French Alphabet Sales 450€ without VAT

Hyundai Sales

390€ without VAT

Véhicules d'occasion Hertz - Buy Now

250€ without VAT


3% (450€ minimum)

Leasing, CarNext sales

450€ without VAT

Others fixed price sales

455€ without VAT

AVILOO Report Fee: € 40

An additional € 40 charge (per vehicle) will be applied for any BEV with an AVILOO battery report.

Sales Memento

Download the memento, to help you to find all information regarding our sales and buyer fees