Buy Now and Sealed bid

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Buy now: Save time and buy now a vehicle at fixed price!

Purchase vehicles online 24/7 at a fixed price.

Benefits :

  • Fast: Buy in one click and receive the invoice within 24 hours.
  • Online 24/7: A used car marketplace opened anytime of the day and 7/7.

Sealed bid: You decide the price you want to buy!

In a sealed auction you cannot see the bids of other participants. You place a bid of the amount of your choice, you can modify this amount whenever you want. After the auction has ended the highest bidder receives a notification by email.

Benefits :

  • Privacy: Nobody knows the highest price if you win the vehicle.
  • Your offer: No overbidding, so no increased prices.
  • Saving time : You can participate from home, without attending the auction online or physically.

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