Sell in Europe - BCA Denmark

The leading de-fleet partner in Europe

With over 40 years of experience...

BCA is Europe's leading auction house of used cars, vans and motorcycles. Every year we have over 1.5 million vehicles under the hammer, across the organization.

BCA has potential buyers for cars in every category, from almost new cars, fleet vehicles from companies, unconditioned cars in all brands, as well as exclusive cars in the million class. Bidders participate online from across Europe.


Vendor Fees



LCV's and passenger cars


Absolute sale, legal and forced sale


Preparation and service solutions

BCA offers a range of preparation service prior to inspection, photo and auction. Often, even smaller, preparation solutions, such as tunnel-wash and vacuuming, will result in far more appealing photos, and hence greater interest from our buyers. For companies with a company logo and VAT number on the cars, we recommend that these, prior to inspection, photo and auction, be peeled off. Feel free to contact our sales support team, about requests for preparation packages at, or phone +45 76425315.

Below you can find a price overview.

Preparation and services
Smartprepared Preparation Solutions            
Content Clean Interior Clean Logo, small Logo, large Wheel change Parking and rental stickers
Dashboard cleaning        
Interior polish        
Door cleaning        
Interior mirror and glass        
Interior wet-vacuum and cleaning          
Removal of mould, hair, objects          
Removal of foil          
Removal of stickers          
Wheel change          
Price  399,-  650,-  410,-  1.056,-  350,-  150,-

BCA Re-Sale

As a vendor, have you taken back cars from BCA that you still have not sold? Or have you bought cars at BCA that you have not sold? Let us help you sell these through BCA Re-Sale!

Purchased and return-to-vendor cars have already been through our inspection. Therefore, we have pictures and possibly condition reports in our systems, which makes the process easy!

1. Register the cars for auction via registration number and location, with comment "BCA Re-Sale".
2. If the car changed condition (mileage, cosmetic, mechanical, equipment, etc.), BCA must know.
3. The car comes up for auction.
4. When the car is sold, we pick it up and settle in the normal way.

Easy and simple inventory - and liquidity management! Call us if you have any questions.

A team at your service

Do you have any question? Our team will be happy to help you!
Call us at +45 75858300